The Cosmic Year

1 month = 1,333,333,333 years

years ago date what happened
16,000,000,000 Jan. 1 The Great Light (Phases 1 - 10)
Phases 1 thru 5 occur during the first 23 minutes of January 1.
phase activity/evolution time of initiation temperature
1 unknown unknown ? ?
2 known unknown zero 100,000,000,000°K
3 pure light/radiation z+0.01 sec. 3,000,000,000°K
4 plasmic/nuclear z+14 sec. ?
5 atomic/molecular z+700,000 yrs. ?
6 biological z+12,000,000,000 yrs. ?
7 meta-biological/multicellular z+15,000,000,000 yrs. ?
8 information z+16,000,000,000 yrs. 3°K
9 known unknown z+? 0°K
10 unknown unknown z+? ?
14,666,666,667 Feb. 1
13,333,333,333 Mar. 1
12,000,000,000 Apr. 1
10,666,666,667 May 1 Creation of the Milky Way (our galaxy)
9,333,333,333 Jun. 1
8,000,000,000 Jul. 1
6,666,666,667 Aug. 1
5,333,333,333 Sep. 1
Sep. 9
Sep. 14
Sep. 23
Sep. 25

Creation of the solar system
Creation of Earth
Creation of primordial sea
Creation of life (The Great Light, Phase 6)
4,000,000,000 Oct. 1
Oct. 9
Oct. 12

oldest reliably dated rocks
oldest sedimentary rocks already have life
2,666,666,667 Nov. 1
Nov. 2
Nov. 3
Nov. 12
Nov. 20

invention of sex
first stable system of crustal plates
invention of photosynthesis
first eukaryotes (cells with true nucleus)


Dec. 1

Jan. 1

See Cosmic Month (December)